Cornwall '22
Saturday 22nd October Day 1 We woke early, well to be fair, Adéle woke very early about 5.45am, I rolled over and went back to sleep. At 7.30 the bedroom light came on and I was told its time to get up, in fairness we had quite a bit to do before hitting the road. We put the last few things in the van, took Izzy out for a quick walk before setting off, first job was to get fuel, cheapest around was a t Tescos so that was the first £75.00 and it didn't get the gauge to 3/4 full, next was Aldi to get another bottle of their orange Irish liquer, Adéle wasn't away long but came back with a hazelnut and caramel version as well, next head towards the M5 to fill up with LPG at the BP station in Bromsgrove, we needed more than I expected almost 17 litres at 99.9p per litre. Now for the motorway, we had only gone a matter of a couple of hundred metres and we were caught in roadworks, once through those and we came across a road closure so that's the first...