Normandy D-Day 80 Tour - Our October Trip

France October ’24 Friday 25th October Day 1 Up early, 6.15am, Adele had a shift at work and would be back by 9.30 so we would be off by 10am. Well that was the plan, I packed the last of the things in the van then headed off to get fuel and check the tyre pressures, there are only two fuel stations around us whose air pumps will go up to the 5.5 bar needed so off to the other side of town to Sainsbury’s, there was a chap doing his before me so I waited, he kept going back and forth then after about 5 minutes left, my turn, set the machine to 5 bar but it was determined to take more air out of the tyres than it was putting in, I can now see why the previous guy was messing about now. The next station, Tescos was more successful but they didn’t have the premium diesel that I wanted so on to the Shell garage by home. This messing around took nearly an hour so Adele was waiting for me when I got back. We eventually left 10.20, but left us plenty of time for our 4:18 train. The jo...