"On The Road To Somewhere" Tour - Scotland
Wednesday 9 August
Day 1
Day 1
Work finished, I showered , changed, took the sercurity locks off Vera and we were off before 3pm, we needed to top up with LPG or so I thought, the bill came to a heady £2.79, then on to get diesel, now that was a bit more £85.01.
Filling up with Fuel Adele remembered that our son had borrowed the kettle and pots from the van and not put them back, so off to Tesco to see if we can get some more, Adele returned with some camping pots, NO kettle but she did find a wine bottle holder spike!
Now which way to go?
The weather forecast for the next week is not good, the South-West looks wet, as does Wales and the North-West, Adele said she always wanted to visit The Kelpies in Falkirk, now I wasn't expecting that but North and North-East appear to have a better forecast so why not.
This trip is going to be a bit random I think.
The traffic on the M5 & M6 was as usual appalling, we made it as far as Lancashire, it was gone 6pm so to find a stop, after four phone calls, all of which were full we came across Moss House Farm on S4S app, gave them a call, yes no probs, hard standing or grass £20 PN including EHU
We pulled on to this little site found our pitch and were met by the friendly owner. There are about 20 pitches, a little small maybe but we overlook the duck pond and views out over the Lancashire countryside.
Thursday 10 August
Day 2
Woke at 7.00am, we showered then breakfast. We were on the road by 10.30 after topping up with water, which is good for us. The plan for today is to travel north up to Falkirk, Adele has wanted to see The Kelpies for sometime so this trip north is an ideal time, we stopped at 1pm for a spot of lunch, only a motorway services but it had a lovely area to sit right besides a large lake, many people were making the most of the nice weather sitting on the picnic benches.
We arrived at Helix Park where the Kelpies are just after 3pm, parking before 4pm was £6 so parked up.
We had a cuppa before taking the walk through the park to see the Kelpies.
What a sight, these sculptures are spectacular, photos don't really give them credit. We spent a couple of hours wandering around the site before returning to the van, we knew that you can overnight here so, as Adele took Izzy back I spoke with the Helix staff, £10 pups, you can park up until 11am tomorrow, after 10pm the site is locked, you can get out but not back in, its a car park not a campsite so no water, waste or CDP.
We said that no matter who you speak to here, all the staff are great, so friendly.
Once parked up, we had a late tea, just hotdogs nothing too much as we wanted to revisit the Kelpies in the dark, they are lit in colour changing lights.
The walk back into the park was strange, a few people about but not the crowds like earlier, the Kelpies looked magnificent, almost as if they were moving as the clouds changed, an hour or so later we returned to the van. We don't think we will have a peaceful nights sleep as we are only a few hundred meters from the M9 motorway but hey we have had a great day at this iconic site.
Friday 11 August
Day 3
Woke 7.30 after a much better night than we had thought, it had rained overnight and neither of us heard anything.
After breakfast we made plans for today, we need some shopping and want to visit the Falkirk Wheel.
Time went on so scrapped the shopping idea, arriving at the Falkirk wheel there was plenty of parking, we put Vera into the top car park used by the overnighters, there was plenty of room.
We got down to the basin just in time to see one of the tour boats manovering into position then the wheel began to rotate, its a marvel of engineering, a trough of water top and bottom, big enough to take two barge boat taking them bottom to top through 180 degrees, we wandered up to the top canal and were Lucky to see a boat raised.
Time was once again getting on well past lunch, but as we had had a full English we weren't hungry, we decided to book a campsite for tonight as we needed services for the van but which way to go?
As we are so close to the trossacks we agreed to travel a little further north and visit the area between Lock Lomond and Pitlockery.
We found a CAMC site, Clachan club site at Killin mid way between the two.
It was about 50 miles away so shouldn't take too long!!
We stopped en route to visit a memorial to David Sterling DSO OBE, the Scottish officer who was the founder and creator of the Special Air Service (S.A.S)
We got caught in bike road race, the roads we wanted were closed and traffic was a nightmare. Eventually we arrived a Killin, however we arrived at different site not the site we were book on, we checked and double checked the postcode, the Sat-Nag now said we were 40, yes 40 miles away from where we should be.
Time to get the CAMC handbook out, the old fashioned way, yes we were in the right place but the site we were on was a mile further up the road.
When we arrived the ANPR cameras didn't recognise Vera, luckily the site manager was on hand to sort it out, the call centre had not put our registration number on the booking, all sorted and we were in, this new contactless booking in system is great if it works, now to find a pitch.
No.2 for us, fairly flat in amongst the trees but with a little sunshine, kettle on we had a well needed cuppa.
It was past 6 before we knew it, we finished the diary and sat with a G&T its clouded over a little now, the sky not the gin, Adele got tea ready and I had the CDP to visit.
After tea we relaxed with some music and played Othello before bed, the quiet in the forest is almost deafening.
Saturday 12 August
Day 4
Woke 7am, showered then took Izzy for a walk, its raining.
Over breakfast we had a planning meeting, the weather for this part of the country is damp to say the least for the next few days so what are we going to do, it would be a shame not to explore this beautiful part of the country whilst we are here but do we want to see it in the rain?
Decision time, we will book into this CAMC site for two more nights, explore the local area and take a trip out tomorrow, then we will move on take a look at Lock Lomond before crossing the border back to England. Maybe.
We took the short drive down from the forest to Killin and the Falls of Dochart with all the rain we have recently had the falls were in full flow, we watched the waters for sometime, taking photos and video.
We made our way back to Vera and on to our next stop, Moirlanich Longhouse, a 19th century crofters cottage, unfortunately it only opens Sundays and Wednesdays but we did manage to take a look around the outside.
The last excursion today was to the ruined 17th century Finlarig Castle, not massive but had real atmostphere, we were told of its history from a local guide, he explained about hangings and beheadings that regularly happened.
It was getting late in the afternoon so returned to the site for a cuppa.
We snoozed for a while before tea, pork slices with Korean style grains, the day seams to have flown by today, by the time we had tidied up it was gone 9pm, we took the litter out and had a walk around the site with Izzy, its quite surprising how light it is at this time of night compared with down in the midlands.
Back at the van, time to retire for the night.
Sunday 13th August
Day 5
Woke 7.30, its raining, we had showers then breakfast our plan today is to take the small 'B' road around Loch Tay, hopefully they are not too narrow for Vera, it all started so well.
The scenic route around the loch was, well, scenic, very scenic there were plenty of passing places so no issues driving although it did take us a lot longer than were thought.
Onwards along the loch side road when we came across road works, no notice but a big trench all across the road, with nowhere to turn around we just waited.
After about 5 minutes one of the workers came up to us and apologised about the delay saying that they would be about 15 - 20 minutes, no probs we will wait after all there was no going back.
We soon were on our way and found parking in Kenmore at the head of the lock, we went for a short walk around the village before returning to Vera we popped in to the deli store and bought some localist Scottish cheese and some rhubarb curd.
Now for the return leg, this time the road was two lane but not that much faster as there are lots of 20mph zones.
After yesterdays aborted trip to the Moirlanich longhouse we thought we would try again and we are glad we did, this traditional 19th century crofters cottage is virtually unchanged since the last inhabitants left in 1968.
Back to the site for a well deserved cuppa and cake, we chatted over tea and said that we have had another good day, tomorrow we are moving on.
Tea tonight is a sweet and sour pork with rice and a couple of beers.
Today is day 5 of our trip and we still haven't had a proper game of Othello, which on the way I'm playing at the moment is probably a good thing.
Monday 14th August
Day 6
Woke 7am to blue skies and sunshine after a night of very heavy rain, we had expected today to be wet too but things are looking good.
Over breakfast we decided to travel west into the Scottish Highlands, initially driving up through Glencoe. we topped up and dropped all our waste before leaving this lovely site at Clachan.
The drive through Glencoe was spectacular it was only 35 miles away but took us all day, we kept on stopping for photo and video clips, by 1.30pm we were getting a bit peckish so found a lovely little pull in with more spectacular views.
a simple lunch of ham and mustard black topped cobs bought fresh from the local store this morning. After lunch we went for a short walk along the river running through the valley.
Adele had a snooze as transferred the DashCam footage to our holiday files, it should make an interesting YouTube video when we get home.
It was mid afternoon when we got back on the road and decided to find a campsite for the night rather than trying to find a wild camp, we didn't really want the stress, we called into the C&CC Glencoe site on the off chance they will have a pitch.
No problems with a pitch, all booked in we were led to our pitch overlooking the mountains, hard standing pitch, 2 adults with EHU £26.40
We relaxed in the late afternoon sunshine, over a cuppa, talking about our drive through Glencoe our first taste of the Highlands of Scotland for more than 30 years.
Day 7
woke 7am, to grey skies and drizzle, so different from last nights beautiful sunset.
We showered and had breakfast, by the time we were ready to leave it had brightened up.
We left the C&CC site at Glencoe but not before getting Keni to have his photo taken at the gates.
We had barely gone a mile down the road before we were forced to stop,
But just our luck, we have had lots of pull ins to take photos but when we want to stop for lunch we couldn't find anywhere.
Just as we were about to give up we saw a sign for Dunstaffnage Castle, we pulled up to this Historic Scotland castles car park to find three other MoHos and a view to die for.
We had lunch and decided to take a look at the castle, we went to pay and found out that as English Heritage members we get in free, now that's a win.
Shop done, now to find somewhere to stay, we decided on trying one of the forestry "stay for the night" sites, our nearest was about 7 miles from Oban, when we arrived there was already one MoHo there, we checked on the boards, we needed to log in to one of the parking apps, all done, One night stay £7.00
Its very quiet, very very quiet, but hardly any inter web, no TV.
As a "stay the night" car park there are No toilets, Water, CDP or grey water, its just an overnight car park.
Later we got tea ready, homemade burgers tonight, we listened to music and read before bed.
Wednesday 16th August
Day 8
Woke 7am after a very peaceful night, I took Izzy for her morning walk whilst Adele got breakfast, full English but with Scottish square sausage.
When we got back to the van Adele was talking with a dutch woman who had also stayed here last night, they had driven up from dover, now there's a good drive.
After chatting for a while we had breakfast and prepared to move off, the plan to day was to drive down the east side of the Mull of Kyntire.
The drive started well but we had grey skies but within an hour the sun broke out of the clouds.
It wasn't long before we were stopping, we found a Scottish power dam so thought we would take a look, it took about 10 minutes to walk there, when we reached the dam it had a gate across the path so we couldn't go any further, I wish they would have said that before we started the walk.
Back in the van we headed towards Kilmartin and sone neolithic stones, there a e few sites around here, we went to go to the car park and it was full, so carried on a little and found a second site, here we got out to look at the cairn and a few of the remaining stones.
From Kilmartin we moved on to Tarbert, we parked on the Harbourside and watched as a small fishing boat came in.
We drove down to Claonaig and watched as the small ferry docked from the Isle of Arran.
We now had a bit of an issue, checking on our various apps there appeared to be a lack of campsites around, but after a bit of digging we found that there was another forest Scotland "stay the night" spot at Cradle, so that would be our heading for tonight.
We we got there it was empty, which was a good thing as the site only had space for two units.
We set up and had a cuppa on the picnic benches they supplied, we got the map book out and found some to stay tomorrow night as we didn't want to get caught out again, we need a camp site tomorrow to empty all the tanks.
We had a late tea, sweet and sour pork, we were going to eat outside but the midges defended on us ate in the van.
After tea we watched some old, very old videos from our travels in Scotland in the mid '80s before retiring for the night.
Thursday 17th August
Day 9
Woke 7.30 after a very peaceful nights sleep, although the temperatures had noticeably dropped during the night, this morning was sunny and bright, I took Izzy for her walk then had coffee on a picnic bench provided by Forestry Scotland and caught up with some work.
Over breakfast, a Scottish version of a full English, bacon, egg, tomatoe, Scottish square sausage and haggis, the haggis was really nice,
As with all good plans they are liable to change, as we pulled up at the small harbour at Carradale we knew our plans will go out of the window.
Carradale harbour is one of those places you can just sit for hours, we took some video and photos and put the kettle on, morning coffee and biscuits, it was so pleasant, so quiet and the sunshine was beating down.
Camp Fees £29.50
Day 10
Woke 7.30 after a very windy night, the site we are on is right next to Loch Fyne and the wind howled.
This morning things are brighter but still a bit blowy, we had breakfast and had a chat with one of the locals on site.
Before we left we emptied the tanks and filled up with fresh water as we are not sure where we will be tonight.
The first stop in Inveraray got me in prison and cost me £14.95 the towns old 19th century prison and court rooms are open to the public, I spent an hour or so behind bars as Adele went sightseeing.
Inveraray is a lovely town on the loch edges.
We went on from there up Loch Lomond, the route we took didn't make the most of the scenery, we were a little disappointed, we took a detour around Loch Long before rejoining Loch Lomond further up which was much more scenic.
Our next stop The Falls of Falloch, we took a walk along the trail to the falls which were quite impressive even though we haven't had much rain.
Our travels had taken us back to almost where we started last Friday so booked online with CAMC, when we arrived the automatic booking in system failed again, not recognising our registration number, luckily the warden was on hand to put it right, he said that its happening all the time. We drove around the site to choose a pitch and went for 37 at the top of the site.
It was late when we had tea and getting a little dark, looks like rain later.
A simple tea of hot dogs tonight, we were going to play Othello but it was late and we were both tired, the wind has got up and chucking it down with rain, proper stormy, we decided to go to bed.
Saturday 19th August
Day 11
We had a good night considering the gales and torrential rain, only woke a couple of times.
Its quiet calm this morning, a grey cloudy morning but no rain or wind, we had breakfast, full 'Scottish' then packed up to start our journey home, we are planning to break the journey into two to make it less tedious.
We took a rather indirect route taking in the last of these wonderful Scottish views, it was well past lunchtime before we even reached the motorway, by mid afternoon we needed to decide where we are going to stay tonight, checking with the camping and caravanning club app there was a THS at Kirkby Lonsdale just 15 minutes off the motorway in the Yorkshire Dales.
The village looked lovely, we said that we would take a look around tomorrow before doing the last leg home.
We booked in with the less than friendly stewards, probably as it was getting late and we were only stopping over, we had no explanation where to go or where the CDP, water or bins were but I'm sure we can work it out, its only one night, we had tea and after taking Izzy for her walk, we had an early night.
Sunday 20th August
Day 12
Woke after a good nights sleep, we showered and had breakfast, it had been a bright start but now stared to rain, and rain.
We packed up and decided not to walk around Kirkby Lonsadle and would save it for another trip away.
We topped up with fuel at the local garage and headed for the motorway, all was well until we came across a nasty accident on the north bound M6, which held us up for sometime.
We continued south and eventually arrived home mid-afternoon.
Our 'On the road to somewhere' took us to some remarkable places considering we REALLY didn't know where we were going when we left home 12 days ago, the Scottish weather has been very good to us, and the sights we have seen have been wonderful.
Thank You Scotland.
benivanadventures - travels in our campervan
Trip Details:
Miles: 1207
Ave MPG: 32.4 mpg
Fuel Cost: £ / £ ltr
Car Parking: £
Nights: 11
Camp Fees: £
Camp Ave per night: £

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