
Showing posts from August, 2022

The Most Northerly Village in Wales - Cemaes Bay

Beautiful Sea Views Wednesday 24th August Day 1 2.00pm my shift finished, so a quick dash home for a shower and change and we were on the road by 2.40pm good going by our standards, we have set the sat-nav for the small Anglesey village of Cemaes, the most northerly village in Wales, with an expected arrival time 0f 6.12pm. The road up was good, we quickly got to Shrewsbury and jumped on the main A5, we soon were crossing the Brittannia bridge over the Menai straights to Anglesey but still had to drive to the top of the island. Arriving at THS organised by NECDA We arrived at the THS, run by NECDA, just about on time, after booking in and paying our £13.00 PN we topped up with water and found a really nice spot in the corner of the field, this THS is on an adjacent field to a C&CC cl of Doloyee, we had not eaten since this morning so settled in and had tea, paella, left over from the other night and a bottle of rosé. It was almost 9.30pm by the time we had finished and tidied up, I...