A Short Trip To Herefordshire
Taking a part time job, Sunday, Monday & Tuesday, it has given us the option to take some short breaks away with Vera mid-week, this has been our first chance, due to covid-19 restrictions, to see how we get on. The weather looked promising so we are off but to where, we only have three days, so not to far.
Looking at the club apps we phoned a CL in Warwickshire but this was not open due to waterlogged pitches, we then looked at Herefordshire, one just outside Leominster looked promising but had no photos or reviews, we gave them a call to see what it sounds like, the owner Sandra answered 'do you have a pitch for Wednesday & Thursday night' No problem came the reply, so Tickbridge Farm was booked.
Wednesday 2nd June
Vera was already packed, just needed to top up the water. Adele has been given an earlier appointment for her second vaccination so first stop was to the Atrix Centre in Bromsgrove, as with all council carparks there was a height barrier, I had noticed a small carpark opposite, belonging to the college, with no barrier, we decided to park there, I would stay with Vera so we could move if necessary.
After about five minutes I noticed a number plate registration camera at the entrance, then on further inspection found a sign instruction you to pay on the app, great!
Anyway, after loading the app, putting Veras details we paid our 1 hours parking, 90P. We didn't want £100 fine dropping through the letterbox.
Adele was away about 40 minutes, in the meantime two other cars had pulled up on the small carpark so we went to warn them about the ANPR cameras before we left.
The trip into Herefordshire was pleasant but uneventful apart from the roadworks and traffic around Worcester, we arrived at the site 1.30pm.
We were welcomed by Peter & Sandra, who told us we were their very first customers which was quite nice, the site is a paddock on their small holding by the side of Stretford brook, they keep goats, Herdwick sheep and chickens and had fresh eggs for sale, we bought half dozen ready for breakfast tomorrow.
After settling in, we had some ham cobs for lunch then sat back in the sunshine reading for a couple of hours before tea.
We planned to eat alfresco but as is our luck, it started to cloud over and then to rain so, indoor eating it is. Outside the van there were thousands of May flies, we were surprised how big they were, for half an hour they were like a fog, there were so many, as the rain got heavier the May flies got less.
We had battered chicken, done in the ridge monkey, new potatoes and green beans washed down with a bottle on white wine, lovely.
As Luc had gone to see England play we thought we would watch the game on TV to see if we could spot him on telly, it was more fun trying to see him rather than watch the lack lustre performance on the team.
we nibbled on some cheese bought from home as we sipped our way though the bottle of wine, which I think may have been a mistake as cheese always seems to give me night-mares.
Thursday 3rd June
We woke after a very warm night even though it had rained a lot. Over breakfast, full English, with fresh free range eggs, we decided to go to Leominster a couple of miles down the road, Leominster is a place we have travelled through dozens of times on the way to somewhere else but never stopped.
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Leominster |
Leominster surprised us, it has lots of small antique shops and many black & white buildings, in the square near the Church we found a courtyard cafe and popped in for lunch, however, the cream teas looked to inviting to be missed so settled on them instead of savoury for lunch.
We then finished our walk via the Priory Church, dating back to the 13th century. The inside was more open than I had expected, there was a rare ducking stool on display, originally used to punish 'disorderly, troublesome or angry' women, must remember to point this out to Adele.
Our next stop was to English Heritage site of Wigmore Castle, once the stronghold of the Mortimer family but was dismantled to prevent its use during the civil war. There is only parts of the tower, turrets and walls remaining, its kept as a 'romantic ruin'.
The day has been very hot, Izzy seems to be suffering a little so we decide, after a long cold drink for us all, to return to the site.
We park in a different place tonight, right next to the Stretford brook and the old 'Tickbridge' after which the farms called, after an hour of sunshine it started to cloud over and go cooler again so decided to eat indoors again, our plans for a BBQ gone foul again so cooked up in the van. Quarter pounder burgers with all the trimmings, very nice.
After tidying up we had a scrabble championship, I struggled tonight and Adele was the worthy winner beating me by over 80 points.
Friday 4th June
We woke about 8.00am after quite frankly a cold night, such a difference to the previous night, we had decided last night that as we & Izzy had walked, climbed and generally worn ourselves out, would stay on the site until it was time to leave, Sandra the owner had already said that we could stay until we were ready.
We had breakfast in the sunshine, then after tidying Vera sat in the sun reading, it was very warm, good job we had decided to take a lazy day.
We had coffee, Adele continued with her book and I finished some YouTube content before it was lunch time, we packed up the van, emptied Veras waste tanks, said our goodbyes to our hosts and made our way the short way home.
The last few days has reminded us both what we had had the van for in the first place, we found a smashing little spot to stop, visited some interesting places, chatted incessantly, had some nice food and importantly, relaxed.
Roll on to the next trip.
Trip Details:
Miles: 114.3
Ave MPG: 31.0
Fuel Cost: £19.69
Fuel Cost: £19.69
Car Parking: £2.90
Nights: 2
Camp Fees: £ 20.00
Camp Ave per night: £ 10.00
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We put our holiday photos in to small slideshows and videos which are uploaded on to our YouTube Channel, benivanadventures, they are not professionally produced but give a feeling of the area and places we visit - Click on the link below:
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